Instant Spirituality…My Proven 4 Steps
1. Get rid of all your Material Items (or at least most of them)
This is monumentally important. You must show the world that you do not “need” anything. Make sure that everything you own fits into 1.5 suitcases. Not ONE suitcase. Not TWO suitcases. But 1.5 suitcases.
Once you have given away most of your “stuff”, make sure to talk about this A LOT to EVERYONE. Let each person you meet know how little you own. And highlight that you did NOT sell anything, but gave it all away to those “less fortunate”.
Say things like, “It’s incredible how little I truly need materially to be happy and at peace.” And then smile with that Inner Knowing, that sadly less Spiritual people will never understand.
2. Become a Nomad
NOW. Buy a one way ticket somewhere. Anywhere. Have no idea where you are staying the next night. Or the next. Just go and TRUST (and there’s always AirBnb)!
Then figure out a catchy name for your Nomad status. Maybe you are a GLOWmad, because you shine. Or a Nomadic Modern Mystic, because you are even more spiritual than the average Nomad. OR maybe you are a part-time Nomad (a PTN), but just so you know, PTN’s aren’t nearly as respected in the spiritual world.
Finally, Facebook post about your Nomadic status ALL THE TIME. Use hashtags like, #talesofanomad, #nomadissues #onlynomadsarecool
Your Spiritual Awakening will skyrocket.
3. Be OBSESSED with Unicorns
Talk about them an inordinate amount of time. Post as many unicorns as possible on Facebook and Twitter. Make sure there are plenty of rainbows in these pictures. And maybe cats.
Carry around a stuffed animal Unicorn too. In fact, bring the Unicorn on your Nomadic Travels and take lots of pictures with it. This is NOT a material item that you give away. EVER. Even to the less fortunate.
Wear Unicorns on your clothes, and make sure to say things like, “The reason I am so other-worldly/weird/ungrounded/late/making you uncomfortable is because I am really a unicorn.” Why be boring and God-forbid HUMAN??
Claim your Unicorn Status, sisters and brothers!
4. Wear a flower behind your Ear
So simple, right? Yet so powerful.
All you need is a somewhat real looking flower barrette and you are instantly more connected to Mother Earth, Source, and the Spiritual Realms.
Sometimes, I ask myself, could it really be that easy? YES. Yes it can…
This DOES apply to women AND men by the way.
So there you have it! The magic equation to becoming more Spiritual than everyone else, my loves….
Let go of all your material items, except for a stuffed Unicorn and flower barrette. Become nomadic, part time if you must, and make sure your destinations include Bali, Costa Rica, and India. Maybe Hawaii. 😉
Insta-Spirtiuality coming your way!
PS: You can thank me later – by sending me a Unicorn Greeting Card (they sell this stationary at Barnes and Nobles FYI).
Gretchen Petty
Cora, your story truly inspires me! You haven’t changed a bit since high school. You have always had that perfect mindset. Thank you for this post. It was much needed.
Lol Cora this is so wise!!! Love it ❤️